your rental guide


This summary aims to help you understand what is included or excluded in your Rental Agreement and the options available to enhance your journey. Please ask our counter staff if you need further clarification.

CANCELLATION POLICY:  Guests can cancel at any time. We do not offer refunds for prepaid reservations. In case the car is not avaialable, an exchange will be offered. The only exception is when a vehicle class is not available.

YOUR RESPONSIBILITY: You are responsible to us if the vehicle is lost or damaged, as well as for traffic fines and other charges that arise during the rental. IMPORTANT You are responsible to us if the vehicle is returned late, lost or damaged, as well as for traffic fines and other charges that arise during the rental.

 INSURANCE: All rentals must be covered by insurance. Proof of insurance must be presented at the time of rental.

Read the Rental Agreement carefully to understand your obligations for use of the vehicle and be aware that your insurance and waivers may be void if you are in breach. 

Third party insurance can be purchased and included in your rate and protects you or any authorized driver against claims from any other person for death, injury or damage to property if you have an accident.

You can add an additional driver with our agreement. We will need to see their driving license and a charge will apply.

FUEL: Your rental is provided with a full tank of fuel. You can either return the vehicle full or pay for us to refill the tank for you at the rate shown on your Rental Agreement. You can choose to pay for a whole tank of fuel in advance so you don’t need to fill the tank on return (although no refund will be given for any unused fuel). Ask for Post Fuel Option

PARKING FINES AND TICKETS: We do not cover you for any parking fines, private parking charges, road tolls or traffic violations you incur on your trip. We will process these on your behalf, pass on the charge and add an administration fee.

You are responsible for all fines, road tolls, congestion charges and other similar charges (including parking fines or charges) incurred in relation to the vehicle during your rental. Some of these will be sent to us for payment, which we will pay and recover from you by way of reimbursement. Alternatively, we may be required to provide your details to the relevant authority, who will contact you directly. 

 LONG TERM RENTALS: If your rental is for 28 days or longer you must return the vehicle to our rental location at least every 28th day or at any time when requested by us. We reserve the right to terminate this Rental Agreement at any time by giving you 30 days’ notice either orally or in writing.

CHARGES: Your Rental Agreement shows any charges agreed at the start of the rental (which have not been prepaid) and your agreement to pay these and any other charges that arise by the end.  IMPORTANT We typically reserve an amount on your credit card (or take a deposit) at least equal to the estimated charges shown on your Rental Agreement. This will be released (or repaid) on return following payment of the rental charges. For full details please check with the location at time of pick-up or online before travelling. We will provide you with a final invoice on return. 

VEHICLE Definition: All references to “the vehicle” in these Rental Terms are to the vehicle we supply to you for your rental, including any replacements, plus all parts and accessories belonging to the vehicle and any additional equipment provided to you, such as child seats, DVD players, ski chains etc. Condition: It is important that you check the condition of the vehicle at the start of the rental and on return. We will provide a summary of any pre-existing damage on our Vehicle Condition Report.

You are responsible for looking after the vehicle and reducing the risk of breakdown and damage by complying with our Rental Restrictions. You must also make sure you use the correct fuel and check the tires, oil and other fluid gauges, refilling as necessary.



Use: The vehicle belongs to us, and you may not sub-rent, transfer or sell it. You may not use the vehicle:

  1. To carry passengers for remuneration (e.g., as a taxi or car sharing arrangement or similar)
  2. Off road or on roads unsuitable for the vehicle (including racetracks).
  3. When it is overloaded with passengers and/ or baggage.
  4. To tow or push any vehicle, trailer or other object (without our express permission).
  5. To carry anything which may harm the vehicle (including explosive or combustible materials) or delay our ability to rent the vehicle again (because of its condition or smell). – To carry cargo for remuneration (except in the case of trucks and vans).
  6. To take part in any race, rally or other contest.
  7. In restricted areas, including airport service roads and associated areas
  8. In contravention of any traffic or other regulations
  9. For any illegal purpose.

IMPORTANT If you do not comply with these Rental Restrictions: – You will be responsible for any damage, losses and expenses we suffer as a result. – You may lose the benefit of any insurance or waivers of liability you have taken. – We may terminate the Rental Agreement and take the vehicle back at any time at your expense.

AUTHORIZED DRIVERS: Only the renter and any other person authorized by us may drive the vehicle, although they may not drive if they are over-tired or under the influence of any substance that may impair their consciousness or ability to react, such as alcohol, drugs or certain medication.

DRIVING ABROAD: You may not drive the vehicle outside of the USA. If you want to drive the vehicle in any other country, you must gain our prior permission.

MULTIPLE RENTALS: You may not rent more than 2 vehicles at any time unless you have set up a corporate account with us and have our prior permission to do so.

BREAKDOWN ASSITANCE: If you experience any problem with the vehicle due to mechanical failure or accident you should call our customer service office and they will arrange help. You will be responsible to us for any breakdown call out costs we incur where you are at fault.

PLEASE NOTE that you must not allow anyone to service or repair the vehicle without our permission.

ACCIDENTS: If you have an accident you agree to co-operate with us and our insurers in any investigation or subsequent legal proceedings. You must also take the following steps: You must also take the following steps:

Notification:  Report the accident to the police as soon as you can if anyone has been injured or property has been damaged. Please check Country Specific Terms for any additional requirements or variations.

Accident Report Form (ARF): Complete the ARF (available either in the vehicle or by request on return) and hand it to a member of staff. The ARF must be completed, signed and, where possible, agreed with any third party even if there is no damage to the vehicle.
DO NOT ADMIT FAULT:  Take the name and address of everyone involved, including witnesses, and collect the information requested on the ARF.

IMPORTANT If you fail to comply with these accident instructions your waiver products may be void. 

DAMAGE AND THEFT:  You should check the vehicle for damage before you drive away and record any variations on the Vehicle Condition Report. This helps to avoid damage disputes on return. 

You are responsible for all losses incurred by us to the full value of the vehicle if the vehicle is lost or damaged during your rental and our costs unless the loss or damage is directly due to us or we have been reimbursed by a third party or their insurers.

IMPORTANT Your liability to us may include (amongst others):– Cost of repairs - loss of rental income. – Towing and storage charges. – Loss in value of the vehicle.– An administration charge to recover our costs for dealing with these issues and any related claim. Security: You are responsible for the security of the vehicle and should try to minimize the risk of theft or vandalism by parking in a safe place. Always remove valuable items (including any removable radio, DVD player) from sight and make sure the vehicle is locked. You must also comply with our return instructions (see Return below).

Theft: If the vehicle is stolen you need to inform the police, call Emergency Roadside Assistance as soon as you can and complete an ARF (see the Accident procedure above). You must be able to show that you have taken appropriate care by returning the keys to us, otherwise our applicable waiver products will be invalid. If you have purchased excess waiver insurance or similar from a third party to cover your liability to us for the excess under our waiver products, you will remain liable to us for any amount due up to the excess and must seek reimbursement form


If we agree to you returning outside location hours, please be aware that you will be responsible for the vehicle until our staff locates the vehicle up to 24 hours after vehicle has been returned.

You might incur additional charges if you return the vehicle at a different time or place to that agreed with us or if it is in a particularly dirty or smelly condition. Smoking in the vehicle will incur an extra charge.

IMPORTANT: You are responsible for returning the vehicle in the condition we provided it in, subject to fair wear and tear. You will be responsible to us, to the extent allowed under applicable law, for any additional damage found on return.


RETURN PROCEDURE: You need to return the vehicle to the return location by the time stated on your Rental Agreement, or as otherwise agreed with us, or additional charges may apply (see Variations below). 

Outside Operating Hours:  You may return the vehicle outside location opening hours with our prior agreement, in which case you must:

PARKING: You’ll be returning the car to the same address you picked it up at.  Please note: You get charged for any parking tickets the car gets within 24 hours after your rental ends. Be sure to park in an area that is permissible.  Please check for street sweeping signs. Contact us to lock the vehicle once parked.

KEYS: Do not give the keys to anybody when you park the vehicle, even if they appear to be our employee. IMPORTANT If you return the vehicle out of hours you will remain fully responsible for the vehicle, including any damage, until we are able to locate it. You are responsible for any lost keys.

VARIATIONS:  Change to time or location: If you want to change the time or place of return or arrange for us to collect the vehicle, you should call our office at the number provided on the Rental Agreement. Any amendment to the agreed return arrangement is at our discretion. IMPORTANT A change to the Return Time might involve an increase to your rental charges, because a different (current) rate may apply. If you change Return Location we may charge a One Way Fee to cover our cost of returning the vehicle to its original location. may involve additional charges. 

LATE RETURNS: Your rental charges are calculated in 24-hour periods from the time shown on the Rental Agreement. If you return the vehicle late you enter into a new 24-hour period and will be charged for that and every successive 24 hour period you enter before return at a current, To help you, we typically allow a short ‘grace period’ to return the vehicle without being charged an extra day.

CHARGES:  We will check the vehicle on your return and add any additional charges arising from your use of the vehicle, such as for fuel, vehicle condition/ damage and early/ late return, to your invoice.

We will notify you of any such charges and arrange for payment when these are identified.

INVOICE AND PAYMENT: We will provide an invoice on your return or by email or post. If you don’t pay your charges in the time indicated on your invoice, we may charge you the applicable statutory commercial interest on the outstanding charges.